Friday, February 12, 2010


First there was speech, but then someone said something bad, so speech was bad.
Then there was writing, but someone wrote something bad, so reading was bad.
Then there was smoke signaling, but someone burned down their house, so smoke signaling was bad.
Then there was the telegraph, but someone sent a bad telegram, so telegraphs were bad.
Then there was the telephone, but someone said something bad, so the telephone was bad.
Then there was the internet, but someone did something bad on it, so the internet was bad.
Then there was email, but someone sent something bad, so email was bad.
Then there was the blog, but someone posted something bad, so blogs were bad.
Then there was the social networks, but someone wrote something bad, so social networks were bad.

It is strange that as every new communication medium comes, some people snap to say that the medium is bad/evil. But, in a few years, they use it like they never said that.

It's not the medium that is bad, any medium can be abused. Only the naive use the logic above and, in the end, distract from the real evil.

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